June 19, 2024, 8P Festival Concert II

341 Calyer St, Brooklyn, NY 11222

*Free Admission


Amos Elkana (USA): Tripp (2016)
Gabriel Bolaños (Nicaragua/USA): nosotros hemos puesto los muertos (2022)
Leah Reid (USA): Reverie (2020)
Lukas Stamm (Switzerland): Nachtmeerfahrten (2023)

About the composers

Amos Elkana is a versatile Israeli composer, guitarist, and electronic musician born in 1967 in Boston, but raised in Jerusalem. He started his musical journey at the age of 15 with the electric guitar, and his formal music education includes studies at the Berklee College of Music and The New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Later, he also studied at Bard College in New York where he earned an MFA in electronic music and sound. Elkana’s work spans a broad range of genres including concert music for orchestras, ensembles, individual performers, as well as music for dance, theatre, and films.

Website: https://www.amoselkana.com/

Gabriel José Bolaños Chamorro (b. 1984 Bogotá, Colombia) is a Nicaraguan/American composer of solo, chamber, orchestral and electroacoustic music. He frequently collaborates closely with performers, and enjoys writing music that explores unusual techniques, structures, and timbres. He is interested in computer-assisted-composition, auditory perception, linguistics, graphic notation, improvisation, and modular synthesizers.

Bolaños is currently an Assistant Professor of Music Composition at Arizona State University, where he teaches courses in composition, analysis, music technology, and acoustics, and co- directs the PRISMS contemporary music festival. He received a BA in music from Columbia University and a PhD in Composition and Theory from UC Davis. His music is published by BabelScores.

Website: https://gabrielbolanos.com/

Leah Reid is a composer, sound artist, researcher, and educator, whose works range from opera, chamber, and vocal music, to acousmatic, electroacoustic works, and interactive sound installations.

Winner of a 2022 Guggenheim Fellowship, Reid has also won the American Prize, first prizes in the International “New Vision” Composition Competition, the KLANG! International Electroacoustic Composition Competition, and Musicworks’ Electronic Music Competition, Sound of the Year’s Composed with Sound Award, the International Alliance for Women in Music’s Pauline Oliveros Award, and second prizes in the Iannis Xenakis International Electronic Music Competition and the International Destellos Competition.

She is an Assistant Professor of Music Composition at the University of Virginia, IAWM’s Vice President, VP of Programs and Projects for SEAMUS, and the Artistic Director of the Boston New Music Initiative. For more information, visit www.leahreid.com.

Lukas Stamm (*1994) is a Swiss composer, pianist and harpsichordist. He grew up in Schaffhausen, a small town in Northern Switzerland, and studied composition and piano in Freiburg im Breisgau, Lucerne and Stuttgart. Among his most influential teachers were and still are Jörg Widmann, Dieter Ammann, Marco Stroppa, Florian Hoelscher and Benjamin Moser.

At the centre of his interpretative and compositional work is the question of the relationship between the present and history and tradition. Other central issues in his work include the search for relationships between language and music and his interest in chamber music as a form of interpersonal communication.

His works have been premiered by ensembles such as Ensemble Modern, Collegium Novum Zürich and many others and as a composer and performer, he has appeared on stages as diverse as Lucerne Festival, the next generation concert at the Donaueschinger Musiktage, Mizmorim Kammermusik Festival Basel, Eclat Festival Stuttgart, and the Swiss Chamber Music Festival. In the 2021/22 season, he was an academist for composition at the SWR Vokalensemble in Stuttgart.

He has been honoured with various prizes for his multifaceted work. In addition to his artistic activities, he is a passionate teacher and teaches at the Zurich Conservatory of Music. He lives in Zurich.